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Forgiving but Not Forgetting, Yet...

Forgiving has never been easy, especially for me. It seems like I'm one of those people who've been tampered with my whole life. People have used and abused my kindness. They've taken me for granted and time and time again, I've let them, but not this year. Is that you too? Is it hard for you to forgive, because you've been wronged so many times? Well, I have some good news for you. This time, you get to choose. This time, your forgiveness can be a blessing, even if you're not able to forget.

I Had To Forgive, Too!

Growing up, I never could grasp the concept of forgiviness. Certain family members tainted my memory and left an ugly stain on my childhood. I thought I would never be able to forgive them, but over time I did. I realized that if I held onto all of that pain from my past, that it would destroy me. They didn't remember what they did, but I couldn't forget. I learned that if I didn't let it go then they would live their lives carelessly not worried about a thing, while I felt a sharp pain in my chest at every family function, birthday party, dinner, holiday, and so on. I claimed that I hated them, but I didn't. It was just past pain, It was only because I couldn't forget. As I got older, I realized that over time I was missing out on what God had for me and that it could destroy my relationship with others. I realized that I would never forget, but I had to forgive.

"Forgiving doesn't mean you have to forget, but you have to free yourself from the past in order to create a positive future". - Jasmine Tiara

How Do You Forgive?

In order for you to forgive somone, you first have to pray about it. You HAVE to go to God with it and let Him know that you don't want the pain to haunt you anymore. You want to live life free and with no regrets. You also want to eventually begin new healthy relationships, start a family, create a life, and you don't want anything blocking those blessings. Ask Him to put it in your heart to forgive with no malice attached to it. Sometimes we think we've forgiven people because we don't think about them, but naw you still feel ill feelings when their name does come up. You have to free yourself from all of that. Once you do, the blessings will begin to pour in and it'll feel like a weight has been lifted. Trust me, I know and it's no better feeling!

Forgiving Doesn't Mean You Have to Be Buddy Buddy

You DO NOT have to continuously communicate with them. You do not have to celebrate birthdays and special holidays with them. You don't have to sit back and laugh about what happened in the past. Sometimes it takes you apologizing even if they're wrong. Sometimes it takes you pretending that it never happened in front of them, once you've healed. Sometimes it takes you getting some closure by letting them know that you wish them the best. You may not have to do either of those, but if you do, prayer helps you get it done. Don't let your pride or emotions steal what God has for you. Sometimes all it takes is forgiving and then you're done. You don't have to share words with them or anything, you're DONE! The feeling is also beautiful once it has been done. The feeling is worth it! I promise that blessings will flow. I promise that your heart will be healed and I promise that everything you've ever wanted will manifest in your life, once you've learned to forgive. So, lean into God, let HIm know, and get your freedom back!

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